CGS Classes Requiring Permission

This CGS Course Permission form is only to be used for class sections offered by the College of General Studies. For all other courses, you must request permission from the department offering the course.

Permission Request Alert: Spring semester permission number requests are closed at this time.


Permission to Enter a Closed CGS Class

Due to the high demand of CGS courses, many class sections fill early in registration and close to further enrollment while some seats are reserved exclusively for CGS students in these sections.

If a class is full and/or the only available seats are restricted to students in CGS plans, it is crucial that students add themselves to the waitlist as early as possible. If a seat opens, the system will enroll the next qualified student from the waitlist.

Please note the following reserved seat restrictions release dates:

  • Fall semester: August 1, 12:00 AM
  • Spring semester: December 1, 12:00 AM
  • Summer semester: April 1, 12:00 AM

Consent to register for a closed course/section prior to the official reserved seats lift dates listed above may be granted only under extenuating circumstances such as documented health reasons, study abroad, and/or uncontrollable life-changing events. Scheduling conflicts or desiring a different format (face-to-face or online) are not considered compelling reasons. Graduating CGS seniors may be given priority consideration if they and their CGS advisor have determined that the course is essential to completing their graduation requirements in the semester listed on their graduation application.

Disclaimer: Some CGS class sections are reserved for students in specific CGS academic plans and are not available to students in any other plan.

Most courses are offered in multiple sections. Please be sure to check Class Search for open sections run by the academic department. 

Special Approval for CGS Class Sections

The CGS Permission Form (link below) may be used for:

Requisite Overrides

Request a requisite override if you have not completed the pre- or co-requisites for a class, or if you are transferring credits to satisfy requirements.

Required documentation: faculty and/or department authorization

Career Override

Request a career override if you are a graduate student enrolling in an undergraduate CGS class.

Required documentation: email from graduate advisor and faculty authorization for the class.

Closed / Full Class

Request permission if you are a CGS student in your final year and the course fulfills a requirement for your CGS plan; or if you have a qualifying extenuating circumstance.

Required documentation: faculty authorization.

  1. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and as such it may or may not be approved. Seats for CGS students are given priority.
  2. Due to fire safety regulations, permission numbers cannot be approved once course enrollment in face-to-face course sections has reached room seating capacity.
  3. Filling out the form incorrectly or incompletely may result in processing delays or automatic denial. Make sure that you complete all required information on the form and provide the reason for your request and faculty email.
  4. Please allow up to 10 business days for your request to be processed by CGS Academic Affairs. Once your request has been processed, you will be notified via your Pitt email of the status of the decision.
  5. Faculty authorization does not guarantee that a permission number will be granted.

Information you will need to provide in the form:

  • Complete class and term information (Visit your Student Center in PeopleSoft or Class search for class section details and instructor name)
  • Faculty name and email (email addresses can be found on the CGS Pitt Instructors webpage or in Find People)
  • The reason for your request.

Permission Number Request Form »   Ask a Question »

Late Add

You cannot use the online CGS Permission Number Request form if you are requesting to add a course after the add/drop period. You will need to complete a special Late Add form and obtain approval from your Dean's Office.

  • CGS students, please contact your advisor for further instructions or visit Course Registration, Late Add.
  • Students belonging to schools other than CGS should see their Dean's Office for their process. If authorized by your Dean's Office, please contact to obtain a permission number for CGS class sections.