Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Certificate

Pay equity. Gender equality. Human rights. These issues are relevant in today’s workplace and in our everyday lives. Understanding the role gender and sexuality play in local and global society can benefit professionals in fields as disparate as law, medicine, and the creative arts. 

This 18-credit, interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate is housed in the College of General Studies and offered in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh's Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program. Our program offers a diverse course selection from a range of academic departments; from history and anthropology, to literature and religion. The historical context gained -- as well as the exploration of contemporary diversity issues and social structures -- is valuable to virtually any career path in today’s ever-changing world.


The CGS Difference

Our certificate can be pursued as a standalone program or in conjunction with the completion of another degree at Pitt.

Program Requirements

The gender, sexuality, and women’s studies (GSWS) certificate requires 18 credits, including six credits of core classes, nine elective credits (which must be taken from two academic departments), and one advanced GSWS course.

  • Transfer courses will be accepted on a case-by-case basis up to a maximum of two courses. 
  • A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher is required in courses being applied to the certificate. 
  • A minimum of 12 credits must be earned at the University of Pittsburgh.
  • The GSWS Certificate may not be pursued concurrently with the B.A. in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies or with the GSWS minor.
  • All certificate students are expected to meet at least once per year with the GSWS undergraduate advisor to update their files and discuss what courses are needed to fulfill certificate requirements.

Required Courses: (6 Credits)

A minimum of two courses are required (preferably to be completed early in the student’s academic program).

Format: F2F and Hybrid
Format: Web
Format: F2F and Hybrid

Students are advised to take all four core courses to cover the key areas represented by the program (in which case two of these courses will count towards the program electives).

Electives: (9 Credits)

Three elective courses must be taken from at least two different academic departments (GSWS can count as one of these two departments). Courses must be approved for GSWS credit. Consult the GSWS Program website for current listings. Some approved courses include:

Note: F2F and Web, available as of Fall 2024
Note: replaces  LEGLST 0200 Race, Class, Gender, and the Law, effective Spring 2022
Format: F2F and Web
Note: replaces ADMJ 1242 Gender, Race, Class, and Crime, effective Spring 2022
Format: F2F and Web
Note:  replaces LEGLST 1315 Sex, Law, and Marriage, effective Spring 2022
Format: F2F and Web

Either GSWS 1900 Internship or GSWS 1901 Independent Study may be used to meet one of these course requirements, but in this case the two (2) other courses must each be in different departments. These two courses require special arrangements; please consult with the GSWS undergraduate advisor.

Interdisciplinary Course: (3 Credits)

Choose one advanced, upper-level GSWS course (3 cr.). Below is a sample list of approved courses. For all upper-level GSWS courses, see the GSWS Major page.

Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web

As of Spring 2015 (Term 2154), the subject designation GSWS replaces WOMNST.  Courses taken prior to that under a WOMNST number will count toward the certificate.

Program Planning Checklist

Download our handy GSWS certificate checklist (PDF) to plan and track your progress in the program.

Important: Course Overlap Rules

As you plan your certificate coursework, please make sure to review the CGS Course Overlap policy for information on how many courses can be double-counted if a student elects to pursue a CGS certificate in combination with other CGS and non-CGS majors, minors, and certificates. If you have questions, please contact your CGS advisor or CGS Advising at

Note: Requirements are subject to change. Check with an academic advisor before registering.