International internships provide you with excellent opportunities for gaining global, hands-on work experience while satisfying academic program internship requirements. Pitt’s Global Experiences Office can assist you in identifying and applying to overseas internships. The College of General Studies Academic Affairs office approves your for-credit internship for your CGS degree, major, minor, or certificate.
Tip: Finding the right internship and getting all necessary approvals can take time. Please start early and plan accordingly.
Obtaining CGS Approval for Your International Internship
Step 1: Once you have identified a study abroad internship, schedule a meeting with your CGS advisor and/or CGS program internship instructor to discuss its viability and the degree requirements that the internship can fulfill.
Step 2: Complete the online CGS Course Substitution form to request CGS Academic Affairs approval of your internship credit for the desired degree requirement.
Note: We recommend that in your appeal, you include as much information as possible, such as links to study abroad program provider, study abroad site/location, and internship program/provider.
Step 3: CGS Academic Affairs will review your petition and notify you of the decision.
Note: Internships completed on a Pitt-approved study abroad program would be granted provisional approval pending the final internship placement details if they are not known at the time of your petition request. If you have been given provisional approval, you will be required to provide your CGS advisor with a description of your internship and course paperwork (e.g., syllabus, completed assignments) once available. Note that your study abroad internship should meet the internship requirements of your CGS academic program. See the CGS Internship Policy page for eligibility requirements and regulations.
Step 4: If you have received credit approval from CGS, the Study Abroad Office will register you for the appropriate ARTSC XXXX course or block of credits. While you intern, you will work with your study abroad program provider/faculty to complete the academic portion of the internship.
Step 5: Upon completion of the internship program and once the grade posts, CGS Student Records will direct this course to fulfill the internship requirement (if needed for your major, minor, or certificate) and apply credits earned in PeopleSoft.
*Internships completed abroad on non-approved study abroad programs are not eligible for academic credit. Contact the Global Experiences Office to request a review and approval of the study abroad program first.
**Some students elect to complete an internship not-for-credit. In this case, no CGS Academic Affairs approval of non-credit internship is necessary and appeals will not be considered.