There are four separate discipline-specific internship courses currently offered at the College of General Studies: LCJS 1900, PUBSRV 1900, CGS 1900, and NPHS 1900. CGS student interns register for the internship course designated for their program. These internships are only available to students who are currently enrolled in the respective CGS program.
- LCJS 1900 - Administration of Justice / Legal Studies / Law, Criminal Justice and Society
Faculty sponsor / Course Instructor: Poppi Ritacco, Administration of Justice, Legal Studies, LCJS Coordinator |
Formerly: ADMJ 1900 Pre-Service Internship (replaced by LCJS 1900 effective Spring 2022)
Internship hours required: 120
- PUBSRV 1900 - Public Service / Non-Profit Management Certificate
Faculty sponsor/course instructor: Carol Balk |
Internship hours required: 120
- CGS 1900 - Media and Professional Communications & all other CGS programs
Faculty sponsor/course instructor: Mark Burdsall | 412-624-8038 |
Internship hours required: 120
- NPHS 1900 - National Preparedness and Homeland Security Certificate
Faculty sponsor/course instructor: Carry Balaban or Kenneth Sochats | or
Internship hours required: 150