Dr. Chihuangji (Herbert) Wang is currently a Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor in the Urban Studies Program. He got his PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from SUNY, University at Buffalo. His doctoral research focused on utilizing urban big data to assess customer satisfaction with Transportation Network Companies (TNCs).
Dr. Wang's research areas encompass smart cities, urban analytics, transportation planning, and GIS spatial analysis. He has published articles in various journals, including Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Transportation Research Record, and Journal of Transport & Health. His most recent research delves into micro-mobility usage patterns, as well as the challenges and opportunities during the implementation stage.
Courses taught at Pitt
URBNST 0506: Planning Process
URBNST 0518: Smart Cities: Frontiers in Urban Analytics & Big Data
Education & Training
- PhD, Urban and Regional Planning - SUNY, University at Buffalo
Representative Publications
Wang, C. H., Steinfeld, E., Maisel, J. L., & Kang, B. (2021). Is your smart city inclusive? Evaluating proposals from the US Department of Transportation's Smart City Challenge. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74, 103148.